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Vic-Snap Remote 无线图像采集控制

2023/4/18 3:51:19发布53次查看
vic-snap remote 无线图像采集控制 产品详情
远程设置、控制、采集 vic-snap remote
setup. control. acquire.
新的vic-snap remote app将改变您的dic设置方式conveniently view live images on your device or tablet while setting up the cameras. zoom in with a pinch to adjust your focus. the crosshairs help align the cameras just perfectly. control exposure to get your images well lit (the histogram helps, too). acquire calibration images with a tap. compatible with most ios and android devices. now available on the app store and the play store.
功能特性 features远程查看和控制vic-snap图像采集系统用一台设备探测和控制多个vic-snap系统两指操作缩放实时图像双击图像进行全屏查看支持调整相机的曝光时间参数使用自动文件命名采集的标定和测试图像可切换十字准线显示,便于调整双相机对齐以降低3d标定的投影误差查看灰度直方图以调整曝光控制使用红色和蓝色指示曝光过度和曝光不足remotely view and acquire images from vic-snap image acquisition systemsdetect and control multiple vic-snap systems with one devicepinch-to-zoom live imagesdouble-tap images for full-screen viewingadjust the cameras’ exposure timeacquire calibration and test images with automatic file namingtoggle cross-hairs for alignmentview gray scale histogram for adjusting exposureover and under-exposure indicated using red and blue
常见问题 faqs
1. i want to try this, what do i need?
download and install the latest version of vic-snap.download the vic-snap app from the app store.connect the computer running the vic-snap system and your device to the same network.2. i do not have a wireless network in my lab, can i still use this?
yes, but you will need some additional hardware. see below for options to connect the device to your vic-snap system.3. what is the best way to connect my iphone or ipad and the image acquisition computer?
there are basically three options:
if you already have a wireless network that you can reach the image acquisition computer from, you do not have to do anything. the advantage of this configuration is that you are probably connected to the internet and you can see all your vic-snap systems without having to switch networks. the disadvantage is that you may not get as much bandwidth if other users surf the internet or connect to another vic-snap system. furthermore, the network connection depends on the distance to the wireless router and may not be consistent in all parts of the building.create a dedicated wireless network for your vic-snap system. for this, you will need a wireless router. the image acquisition systems can be connected to the wireless router either through a wired network or wirelessly. the advantage of this configuration is that all the bandwidth is dedicated to vic-snap and you can still see multiple vic-snap systems. furthermore, you can place the wireless router next to your system and ensure you get a strong signal. this configuration is recommended when you have multiple systems that are used in close proximity.you can create a wireless ad-hoc network on your image acquisition computer. if your computer does not have a wireless network interface, you can purchase a wireless usb dongle. this configuration is simple and dedicates the entire bandwidth to vic-snap, but is less convenient if you want to control multiple vic-snap systems from your device because you have to switch networks.if you need help deciding what to use or hardware recommendations, please contact oursupportdepartment.
4. when i start the vic-snap app, all i see is a message that says ‘searching…’ what’s wrong?
there are several possible causes for this:
vic-snap is not running on your image acquisition system. device support is disabled in vic-snap. go to ‘advanced options’ and verify that device support is enabled.the device and the vic-snap image acquisition system are not connected to the same network. on your iphone/ipad, go to the settings app and verify that you are connected to the correct network.a firewall may be blocking network traffic on your image acquisition computer. make sure the firewall is turned off.5. the image update rate on my device is slow. what’s wrong?
this occurs when not enough network bandwidth is available. make sure you have a strong wireless signal and your colleagues are not using vic-snap or streaming videos at the same time. the best solution to avoid this problem is to use a dedicated wireless network for vic-snap.
1. how do i use the exposure control?
the exposure control is a rotary knob. touch the circle anywhere on the perimeter and drag it in a circle either clockwise or counter-clockwise to increase or decrease the exposure time.2. the menu buttons went away and all i see is a message that says ‘test running’. what is wrong?
while the vic-snap systems acquires images, the remote control and remote display features are temporarily disabled to ensure that the image acquisition system has all system resources available to acquire and store images at maximum rate. when the acquisition completes, the menu buttons will reappear on your device.3. i only see a blue image. what’s wrong?
the vic-snap app uses blue to indicate under-exposure. if the entire image is blue, either the exposure time is too short or the lens cap is on!!!4. i only see a red image. what’s wrong?
the vic-snap app uses red to indicate over-exposure. reduce the exposure time or stop down the lenses.5. i only see one image, but i have two cameras connected. what’s wrong?
you probably double-tapped on one of the images. this maximizes the image and hides the second camera. just double-tap to go back to the split-screen display with both cameras.6. i do not notice any difference between displaying the entire image and the smaller areas of interest. what is this feature supposed to do?
this feature only produces a noticeable effect if the image resolution is large. to limit bandwidth, the image acquisition system down-samples large images before sending them to the device. for example, when using 16mp cameras, the full-size image displayed on the device is down-sampled by a factor of four in each direction. the area-of-interest feature avoids this down-sampling by only transmitting a partial image cropped from the center. this feature is helpful when focusing high resolution cameras.7. i am trying to adjust the exposure time, but it keeps jumping around. what is happening?
most likely, one of your colleagues has discovered the vic-snap app and is having a little fun at your expense…


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