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2017年5月27日托福考试预测|托福考试预测|完整汇总版-  超高命中率托福机经免费下载了,右下角在线老师处免费索取!
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托福综合口语话题:school life
托福综合口语阅读要点:一些很老的书就store outside of library
1. 这有个better solution, 可以存在 study room里,因为很大,而且不是很慢
2. 她总是在paper快due的时候才知道,自己需要什么书,outside library很不方便托福综合口语范文:the material is to make a proposal that the old books without frequent borrowing should be stored outside the library, to save more space for new books. the speaker does not agree with the proposal. there are two reasons. first of all, it’s inconvenient for students. take herself for example. she cannot decide the reference books until it is close to the due day. and it takes time to find the references outside the library. moreover, there is a better place for these old book, the study room. it is spacious, and not far from the library. therefore, it will not take too much time to fetch the materials students require. (111 words)
例子2:广告重复多变产品名称之后再反问人们产品名称,人们就记住了托福综合口语范文:the reading passage introduces a term called “generation effect”, which is the phenomenon of customers remembering the name of products when they generate the name by themselves. the lecturer further illustrates this term by using the example of two commercials for a soft drink. the first advertisement repeated several times the name and the characteristics of the soft drink, but in later interview, most of the audience forgot the product name. in contrast, the second commercial did the same thing except that it ended with a question: what is the name of the soft drink? interestingly, nearly all people could name the drink in the interview. therefore, when customers were left with a question in the end, they would recall the product name and bore it in mind.
托福综合口语话题:school policy
托福综合口语阅读要点:announcement: 校报由周一到周六每天一期改为一周一期,由于经费和学生阅读少;
1. 一是说校报可以增加广告
2. 二是增加校报提供的地点托福综合口语范文:the university has announced that the daily school newspaper will be published weekly, due to a lack of audience and budget. the speaker disagrees with the announcement. there are two reasons. first of all, if the budget is the problem, the newspaper could add more advertisements in order to raise money. moreover, the reason why there is little reading is that there are few places where students can get the newspaper, and thus even if students want to read the newspaper, they have to travel to get the source. it is a waste of time. if the university can add more locations for newspaper distribution, there will be an increase in readers.  ( 112 words)
托福综合口语话题:school policy
托福综合口语阅读要点:a student proposes to the school to let boarding students park their cars on campus. he suggests the school can build a new parking garage on the empty space near the gym. he thinks having a car on campus is useful to get to jobs and other activities in town.
托福综合口语听力要点:the girl doesn’t agree with the proposal. since the school already plans to build a new music building upon that empty space. the school has no space for boarding students to park their cars. in addition, students can use public transportation, such as bus, to go wherever they want.
托福综合口语范文:a student proposes that the school let boarding students park their cars on campus. he suggests the school can build a new parking garage on the empty space near the gym. he thinks having a car on campus is useful to get to jobs and other activities in town. the girl does not agree with the proposal. firstly, since the school already plans to build a new musical building upon that empty space. the school has no space for parking area. in addition, students can use public transportation, such as bus, to go wherever they want. (96 words)

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